
Hoosiers: From Gene Hackman's Lips to Obama's (Goofy Big) Ears

So with Barack a little bit behind in Indiana, I thought it would be only appropriate to post one of the best sports movie speeches from one of the best sports movies ever. Hoosiers is, as any sports or movie fan should know, the Oscar-nominated classic about a small-town high school basketball team in Indiana that beats the odds to win the state championship. It's based on a true story, with the 1954 Milan HS team upsetting the bigger, heavily favored teams to win the 'chip.

Why can't tomorrow be any different? As Coach Norman Dale (Hackman) says, "Remember what got you here." Simple but important advice, and if Barack heeds similar advice tomorrow and throughout what could be one more month of primaries, I'm confident the Milan HS of the 2008 Democratic Primaries will prevail.

1 comment:

Chanel said...

Remember you in here, I don't quite understand this sentence means